Warrant a Search.

Men are taught that they will idolize
Athletes, War Heroes, CEOs
and all that’s lateral.

so they hide behind safeguarded associates
to not warrant a search
through their boxes of G.I. Joes and Lego’s
to find anything of remote creativeness

Men are told to be
Dominant, Athletic, Competitive,
and all that’s tangential.
so they hide behind crudeness
to not warrant a search
through their collection of baseball cards
to find anything artistic;

The forefathers set the track
for even the most God-like man to have
points tapped off his back
if he rebels when

Men are told to love by
Shepherding, Womanizing, Authorizing,
and nothing contrary.

so they hide behind senses of apathy
to not warrant a search
through their stash of condoms and pornographic
materials to find their heart’s vulnerability;

Men are supplied tools to be
Fraternal, Aggressive, Nebulous,
but nothing sensitive.

so they hide behind chauvinism and phobias
to not warrant a search
through their athletic equipment and tool drawers,
to find keys to unopened doors—

unless their manhood is secure.

Mark Anthony Thomas
Copyright © 2004

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