Ocean Tides.

Her moods―
real bad moods

pull All of Earth
under distress― yet

she introduces me
as being from
Mars when

I grow from Earth―

Her legs touch my
hands― Her

neck kisses my
lips― Her

breasts stimulate
my tongue

to shoot for my
excitement but

misses completely.

Her tears―
Irritation filled tears

drought All of Earth’s
oceans― yet

she introduces me
― as being from
land when

I’m salt water dependent―

Her hair runs through
my fingers― Her

hips churn in my
center― Her

back shivers
around my tongue

to shoot for my
arousal but―

she finds her Mars’
man needing Earth

to grow― and finds
Her land creature

In need of sea water.

Mark Anthony Thomas
Copyright © 2011

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